Woodland Park Zoo: Where Wildlife

Thrives and Conservation Flourishes

Nestled in the heart of Seattle, Washington, Woodland Park Zoo is a world-class destination dedicated to wildlife conservation, education, and immersive experiences that inspire a deeper connection to the natural world. With its diverse collection of animals, engaging exhibits, and commitment to sustainability, the zoo offers visitors of all ages an opportunity to explore, learn, and connect with the wonders of nature.

History and Natural Heritage

Founded in 1899, Woodland Park Zoo has a rich history of wildlife conservation and education. From its humble beginnings as a small menagerie in Woodland Park, the zoo has grown into a leading institution renowned for its innovative exhibits, groundbreaking research, and commitment to protecting endangered species and their habitats.

Features and Attractions

Visitors to Woodland Park Zoo can discover a wide range of features and attractions:

  • Exhibits: The zoo's exhibits showcase a diverse array of animals from around the world, from majestic lions and playful penguins to rare and endangered species like snow leopards and western lowland gorillas. Each exhibit is carefully designed to replicate the animals' natural habitats and provide immersive, enriching experiences for visitors.

  • Interactive Experiences: Throughout the zoo, visitors will find opportunities to engage with animals and learn about their behaviors, habitats, and conservation status. From up-close encounters with ambassador animals to behind-the-scenes tours and feeding demonstrations, these interactive experiences offer a deeper understanding of the challenges facing wildlife and the importance of conservation efforts.

  • Conservation Initiatives: Woodland Park Zoo is actively involved in conservation initiatives both locally and globally, working to protect endangered species, restore habitats, and raise awareness about pressing conservation issues. Through partnerships with other zoos, wildlife organizations, and local communities, the zoo is making a meaningful impact on the future of wildlife and their ecosystems.

  • Educational Programs: The zoo offers a variety of educational programs, camps, and workshops for visitors of all ages, designed to foster a greater appreciation for wildlife and inspire a commitment to conservation. From school field trips and youth programs to adult lectures and community events, Woodland Park Zoo provides opportunities for lifelong learning and engagement.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

Woodland Park Zoo is committed to accessibility and inclusivity:

  • ADA-Compliant Facilities: The zoo provides accessible pathways, ramps, and restrooms to ensure that visitors of all abilities can enjoy the exhibits and amenities comfortably.

  • Inclusive Programming: Woodland Park Zoo offers programs and resources tailored to diverse audiences, including individuals with disabilities, seniors, and underserved communities, fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.

Preservation and Sustainability

Woodland Park Zoo is dedicated to preserving wildlife and promoting environmental sustainability:

  • Species Survival Plans: The zoo participates in Species Survival Plans (SSPs) for endangered species, which coordinate breeding and conservation efforts among zoos to ensure the long-term survival of threatened animal populations.

  • Sustainable Practices: Woodland Park Zoo implements sustainable practices, such as energy-efficient facilities, waste reduction programs, and sustainable sourcing, to minimize its environmental impact and promote eco-friendly stewardship.

Visitor Experience

Visitors to Woodland Park Zoo can expect a memorable and inspiring experience:

  • Close Encounters with Wildlife: Whether watching a giraffe gracefully roam the savannah, observing a red panda lounging in the trees, or listening to the haunting call of a howler monkey, visitors have the opportunity to connect with wildlife in a meaningful and unforgettable way.

  • Conservation Connection: Woodland Park Zoo provides visitors with opportunities to learn about the importance of conservation and get involved in efforts to protect wildlife and their habitats, empowering them to make a positive impact on the world around them.


Woodland Park Zoo stands as a beacon of hope for wildlife and a champion for conservation. With its engaging exhibits, educational programs, and commitment to sustainability and accessibility, the zoo continues to inspire and educate visitors, fostering a deeper appreciation for the beauty and diversity of the natural world and empowering individuals to take action to protect it for future generations.

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